Quick Start

This guide will get you started on using Terrabuild. For this, you are invited to clone the playground repository. You just need Terrabuild and Docker to go through this guide.

The playground repository defines following projects and dependencies:

flowchart LR
  classDef default fill:moccasin,stroke:black
  classDef project fill:gainsboro,stroke:black,rx:10,ry:10
  classDef build fill:palegreen,stroke:black,rx:20,ry:20
  classDef publish fill:skyblue,stroke:black,rx:20,ry:20
  classDef target fill:white,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5 2

  subgraph A[".net WebApi"]
    subgraph targetBuildA["target build"]
      direction LR
      buildA(["@dotnet build"])

    subgraph targetBuildA["target build"]
      direction LR
      buildA(["@dotnet build"])

    subgraph targetPublishA["target dist"]
      direction LR
      publishA(["@dotnet publish"]) --> dockerA(["@docker build"])

    class targetBuildA build
    class targetPublishA publish

  subgraph B["Vue.js WebApp"]
    subgraph targetBuildB["target build"]
      direction LR
      publishB(["@npm build"])

    subgraph targetPublishB["target dist"]
      direction LR
      dockerB(["@docker build"])

    class targetBuildB build
    class targetPublishB publish

  subgraph C[".net Library"]
    subgraph targetBuildC["target build"]
      direction LR
      buildC(["@dotnet build"])

    class targetBuildC build

  subgraph D["Typescript Library"]
    subgraph targetBuildD["target build"]
      direction LR
      buildD(["@npm build"])

    class targetBuildD build

  targetBuildB --> targetBuildD
  targetBuildA --> targetBuildC
  targetPublishA --> targetBuildA
  publish -.-> targetPublishA
  targetPublishB --> targetBuildB
  publish -.-> targetPublishB

  class A,B,C,D project
  class publish target


We want to be able to build artifacts for the whole workspace (a part of a monorepo configured for Terrabuild). For this, just issue the following command wherever you are in your workspace:

terrabuild run dist

Terrabuild will resolve all nodes dependencies, reuse build outputs from cache if available - and complete as fast as possible with a mix of task optimizations, caching and parallel builds! If a file is modified, Terrabuild will only rebuild impacted projects leading to very efficient workflow for developers.


This can be implemented using following configurations:

# require all dependencies to be built before building this target
target build {
  depends_on = [ ^build ]

# dist requires project to be built before proceeding
target dist {
  depends_on = [ build ]

# default variables for targets
configuration {
  variables = {
    configuration: "Debug"

# .net sdk version is forced and build is happening in a container
# no need to install .net sdk on developer machines
# also the default values define the target configuration
extension @dotnet {
  container = "mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:8.0"
  defaults = {
    configuration: $configuration

# nodejs version is forced and build is happening in a container
# no need to install nodejs on developer machines
extension @npm {
  container = "node:20"

# terraform version is forced and build is happening in a container
# no need to install terraform on developer machines
extension @terraform {
    container = "hashicorp/terraform:1.8"
# configure docker extension (see Dockerfile for ARG)
extension @docker {
    defaults = {
        image: "ghcr.io/magnusopera/sample/webapi"
        arguments: { configuration: $configuration }

# project is based on .net: dependency on src/libs/cslib is detected automatically
# also defines labels for scoped builds
project @dotnet {
    labels = [ "app" "dotnet" ]

target build {
    @dotnet build

# to build docker image we need to publish the .net project
# and then build the image on top of this (check Dockerfile)
# Docker is targetting linux/x64
target dist {
    @dotnet publish { runtime: "linux-x64" }
    @docker build { platform: "linux/amd64" }
extension @docker {
    defaults = {
        image: "ghcr.io/magnusopera/sample/webapp"
        arguments: { configuration: $configuration }

# project is based on nodejs: dependency on src/libs/tslib is detected automatically.
# As an example, it is forced here but not mandatory.
project @npm {
    labels = [ "app" "web" ]
    dependencies = [ "../../libs/tslib" ]

target build {
    @npm build

target dist {
    @docker build
project @dotnet {
    labels = [ "lib" ]

target build {
    @dotnet build
project @npm {
    labels = [ "lib" ]

target build {
    @npm build



To enable caching, you need to create an account, an organization and a space on Insights.

When you are ready to enable caching, add the block workspace in your WORKSPACE file:

workspace {
    space = "my-org/my-space"

Do not forget to connect to your space to enable caching. You will need to generate a token on your account:

terrabuild login --space my-org/my-space --token <token>
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